Times have changed! We are not connected as we once were and I feel that it has hit us, the seniors, probably more than any other group. We were in some cases more isolated than other groups. Our families have left to build their own lives. We become empty nesters. Some of us end up in seniors’ homes. Others of us live alone hoping for a visit from someone, our children or our friends.

Isolation, to an extent, has been a a part of our lives and then the pandemic hit us. Those of us that live alone could no longer go out and gather with other groups, or have people visit us. The younger people could still go to their bars and meet with people at work, etc. We seniors became even more isolated which has caused, I believe, a lot more stresses on us than ever before. We know that human contact is important to us as people, and we need to be able to feel and know that we are loved and cared about.

There are ways we can continue to have these important feelings. Fortunately, modern technology helps with isolation. Yes, we are still isolated and we can still connect via the phone. We can connect in so many ways:

  • Video conferencing
  • Zoom and Skype
  • Facebook Live and Face Time (Apple)
  • Our daughter in Florida sent us a gizmo that lets us know when she is home – we speak to Alexa and she makes a video call
  • You can also play games on your phones and computers with other people
  • Take up a hobby or write poetry
  • Do something you have always wanted to do
  • Take online courses

It is important for us to keep our minds and our hears active and involved by doing what makes us feel good and alive.

The Bible tells us that we need to love one another and this is more important than ever. We need to help every person feel that they belong, to realize there are possibilities, with kindness, encouragement and compassion – remembering that each is made in the image of their maker and that there is no such thing as an unimportant person. We need to keep this in mind. We are all important and special people.

This too will pass!

John Knight
Gray Matters
Saskatchewan Seniors Mechanism
Winter 2021

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