Have you ever started a job without the information you need to be a great employee? Many have – no promised parking spot, no desk phone, no desk, no computer, no one to show you the ropes!
Take Bob – he started and waited, and waited and waited! After 3 weeks he got a phone, after 5 weeks a computer and never did get anyone to show him the ropes for the job.
Now, some would take this kind of approach and say, “…. this job – I don’t need it that bad!” Others, like Bob, give the organization a fair chance. In the end, it wasn’t worth the trouble.
If you are hiring a new employee or you are the new employee starting there, here are a few things to consider. First of all, how do you make a new employee, who probably doesn’t know anyone at this wonderful new organization, feel comfortable starting work in your organization? Secondly, you are hiring to fill a position, or create a new position because you recognize the need and you want to have the best productivity from this employee that is possible.
And what if you are THAT new employee! You want to work in a place where there are processes to help you become acquainted with your role and all that entails. It’s probably pretty defeating to start a new job and have no real idea as to what you are to do!
So, let’s talk about it – do you need onboarding or orientation in any organization? Well, the answer is a resounding YES! To both! I guess that is the case though, only if you want to be able to start a new employee with the excitement of those first few days when everyone is anxious to get going. And if you are the new employee, you want to make a great impression in those first few days and this is one way to do it.
Let’s have a look at what can be expected within the Orientation.
- It’s a one-time event – usually the first day on the job to prepare you for the job
- New hires are introduced to the culture, mission, vision and values of the organization
- The initial introduction is often from the leader of the organization
- Paperwork – a must and yet hopefully it doesn’t take up much time and it’s even better if you get to do this before your first day on the job
Introduction to the benefit plan - Review of key policies – especially safety, health and diversity and inclusion
- Review of workplace administrative procedures – logins, phone, etc.
Now that day one is behind you let’s look at Onboarding.
- It’s a series of events so you are introduced to the unit or department so you feel comfortable with the other employees and they with you
- In the first month you’ll learn more about the culture and the business goals of the organization by participating in meetings with others
- You meet with your supervisor or manager on a regular bases – you’ll find out who are the “go to” people, what the key tasks and outcomes are, and what the process is for getting approval on projects
- It helps to get to know what matters most in the department and understand how your part in the organization connects to the corporate focus
- Once this all becomes comfortable, you begin to establish your training program along with your supervisor so you become more productive
- You get valuable feedback (even if you have to ask for it) to help you settle in and be as valuable an employee as possible
Bob’s organization did not have its plan in place! That creates frustration on a lot of people. Imagine not knowing who to go for an answer, where the safety kit is, what you are expected to accomplish in the next 30, 60 or 90 days? No one needs that kind of frustration.
So, whether you are an employer or an employee, get things going so everyone can support the organization well.
Sherry’s CORNER
We are a cat owner. Columbus needed a home and we took him in – he is a terrific addition to the family. And yet, there are times when he becomes a whirling dervish! Do you have pets or kids that go crazy and do strange things at times?
On one of his tears, Columbus, will run up three flights of stairs, leap on the sofa and hop onto the end table and jump onto the window to look out and calmly watch the world go by. Like… what is this, what causes this craziness!
If you’ve got answers on kids, pets or even spouses I would love to hear from you. Is COVID causing us to go nuts or do we just do that naturally?
Email me at sherry@dimension11.com.