Family, that’s what makes us feel at home!

Julie works from home during COVID. Andy moves between days at his physical office and days working from home. Stella works in the office every day -except there are no others around to talk to because they are all working from home.

It doesn’t matter how we work today; what does matter is that we feel we are part of a family! The difference between our work family and our biological family is the latter is the one we have foisted upon us, for better or worse. The work family is who we get to choose to work with.

Working with people in your family isn’t easy – and it is work. It’s like a marriage – good days, not so good days and yet looking for ways to come together, even through the tough times. So, when you are feeling neglected, put upon or over worked, it is time to remember you are part of that family and it is important to consider how to connect.

Remember, you don’t get to choose your family, yet you do get to choose your friends! At work we get to choose those we want to be close with, just not always the ones we want to work directly with. So, if we look at our work family, perhaps it’s best to look at what it is we respect about those we work with.

Just like we don’t have to like each member of our biological family, it is easier if we can find something to respect them for. Same at work! Some ways to work together with your family at work:

  • Invite them to help you with a project, even in a very minor way – make it something small that they can easily participate in without feeling overwhelmed or take advantage of
  • Say something you witness about your co-worker that you appreciate
  • Include them in conversations – sometimes that means you need to invite them into the conversation with a statement such as, “____, what do you think about ____?” Without being direct some people won’t participate.

Like home, there are times we have to do things that we don’t want to do – you know what I mean, at home there’s the garbage to take out, the toilet to clean, the garage to clean out. At work there’s the report that has to be finished by deadline, the unruly customer that needs to be waited on or the clean up that still needs to be done even though our shift is over.

Wherever you are working, at home or at the work place, remember your family is those you connect with regularly. Find a way to accept each other and you will find your days run more smoothly and perhaps even your circle of friendship grow. Start today!

Sherry’s CORNER

We have just celebrated Family Day in Saskatchewan – a time for people to spend time with their families in winter and enjoy each other. For many I have discovered that work and our businesses that we run comes before our families. That is sad. Rather than this, we want to put the lifestyle we want to lead and how that impacts our families before our work and the running of our business. Family comes first, and the other part of our life benefits the way we want to spend time with our family.

How, on this Family Day, or on any day are you spending time doing what is important to you? Always remember, the time will come when you realize work and business are secondary to being able to have the lifestyle you want. Please share with us – your experiences may help others.

Please email me at

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